Cheek Enhancements with AF Cosmetic Clinic


Hey guys!

During the pandemic I decided that the first thing I wanted to do with the extra time I had is to focus on becoming super healthy and I documented throughout Agitprop many of the routes I took. One of those was working out with a personal trainer, which I really enjoy and has been super beneficial for me in terms of my physical and mental wellness. The obvious side effect of working out is that you lose weight and I notice any weight loss immediately in my face, specifically on the right hand side of my face where I have had consistently less fat.

Whenever I have had work done to my face, it’s been a process of building up the volume on that side, and it’s been pretty successful over the years. I’ve gained a huge amount of symmetry which I am grateful for, but during this year it’s definitely changed and it feels like my right brow, the right half profile and generally the nose to mouth lines hae just become more prominent, so I decided to investigate what I could do about it.

I have been a huge fan of Dr Ayad Fidal’s work for some time and I noticed that he was working in Brighton, and his work is exceptional. He is a medical director and GP, so he’s excellent and had a wealth of experience in aesthetic medicine and minor surgery. Check out his website here where you can find out all the treatments he offers, whether it be injections or skin focuses. I reached out to AFCosmeticClinics and asked whether we could do a filming session and show this treatment, and it was agreed! So I was elated and popped to the Brighton range of his clinic, which is in Hove, and we filmed the treatment.

So the whole process of this was so straight forward, I felt extremely comfortable and we decided to replace the lost volume and add to the nose to mouth depression on the right hand side, as I had hoped for. The first part was done with injection, the nose to mouth was finished with a cannula, and I’ve documented the process above. We also spoke about the type of fillers and belotero filler was the chosen option, which I thought was fantastic. It felt much more sturdy than previous fillers and the effect left absolutely no bruising or discomfort. I had a slight ache towards my nose to mouth but it was excellent, it restored balance to my face.

Check out both the London and Brighton branches of the clinic and Dr Fidal’s work on social media at @ +

Joseph HarwoodSurgery