Green Juice Cleanse Recipe


Hey everyone!

I always love to share my recipes for tonics and tinctures here and I came up with a fantastic balanced recipe for a green superfood juice. I was looking at these extremely expensive cold pressed detox kits that are going for like £120 for three days, it’s absurd and I thought I’d create a mini blog about cleanses and how you can do it cheaper. Now this recipe does not taste like you’re eating fermented leaves, it actually has a nice kick to it and I really enjoyed it, so maybe you will too!

People do juicing in loads of ways for loads of reasons, and the basis is you’re supposed to be able to substitute your regular meals to reap the health benefits of the fruits your juicing, and in theory that’s wonderful but it’s not actually what’s going on. You’re restricting your nutrition and your body can go into the process of storing the sugar, which is the main part of fruit juices, into fat. The way I’ve got to adapt within my own diet, is I have to be low carb to be my optimum health. Carbs which include fruit, do not work for me and I put some information about how I found this out in my Circle DNA blog in beauty.

Sugar can spike my hormone levels, cause me to build fat stores and it’s just a misery really. If your sugar is too high, you can’t sleep, you feel fatigued after eating and so on. However, what juicing can do is allow your body to take a pause, the whole process of digesting normal food is actually a strenuous one, and if you get the balance right for you, the health benefits can be fantastic. So best thing to do is to do a three day juice cleanse, each day 3 glasses of this green juice to replace meals, (which this recipe makes enough of for ONE day). I then have an additional vegan probiotic drinks, 2 litres of water and my regular vitamins. After three days, the difference is immense. I don’t like focusing on weight loss because that’s not a goal for me, but it can help you feel more streamline, you have increased mental acuity, your skin is glowing and you feel cleansed


  • 5 Sticks Celery

  • 1 Large Lemon

  • 1 Handful Spinach

  • 1 Handful Kale

  • 1 Large Cucumber

  • 1 Large Ginger Root

  • 2 Green Apples


  • 1tsp Super Greens

  • 1tsp Spirulina Powder

  • 3tsp Coconut Oil (mixed in after)

We are using green vegetables that are low carb, so they don’t have that massive shock of sugar to the system, they are full of iron and water, and lots of gorgeous vitamins. The way for me to balance out my proportions within my food, is to bump up the fat, so I add 3tsp of coconut oil to the smoothie and that way, the intake actually works far better than had I had a sugary drink with no fat. If you’ve ever heard of bullet proof coffee? It’s where you add high quality butter to your coffee and you can feel astonishingly more astute. Fats are great and you need good fats in your diet, sugar is not that great and causes multiple issues.

So I have a pretty awesome juicer which separates the fibrous part from the juice, I normally wash all the vegetables and leave them to soak in water for about 20 minutes before slicing them up and loading them into the juicer. You don’t need to peel them but if you’re doing anything with pith, the bitterness can go into the juices. I added some Spirulina and super greens to boost it up, but it tastes lemony and spicy from the ginger.

The benefits of this cleanse is mental clarity, your body isn’t being bombarded with sugars that muck up your mood, and it’s just vitamin intense. It tastes like a gingery, sour kick and I keep it in my fridge and use within the day. It’s an easy one for anyone wanting to have a reset, but you can bump up the amount of kale and spinach if you want, for me I can’t really handle that much green but it’s up to you!

Let me now how you get on with them.

Joseph HarwoodWinter, Health