Raspberry Chipotle Enchiladas + Peanut Kale Chips

Hey everyone! Thank you again for all the love on my Latin inspired dishes for this week! I explained in my last post but this weekend was my birthday and in the UK it's been lovely, like legit the most gorgeous weather so we've been hanging out, spending time with my family and keeping it moving!

So today I wanted to finish off this section with a spin on an enchilada, these are totally my own creations and I think that being such a huge fan of food and developing my own versions of things to compensate for the fact that I've never eaten meat or dairy, it's a fusion of a lot of inspirations. I know that they taste divine and are pretty plant based for the most part so I hope you love them! I teamed this one with some sweetcorn and some kale chips which are an amazing alternative to nachos.


  • Sweet Pointed Pepper

  • Red Chillis

  • Jalapenos

  • Spring Onions

  • Red Onions

  • White Onions

  • Kale

  • Peanuts

  • Raspberries

  • Tomatoes

  • Garlic

  • Avocado

  • Chipotle Paste

  • Peanut

  • Sweet Corn

  • Tofu or Vegan Meat

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Tortillas

  • Vegan Cheese (I used Greek + Cheddar style)

  • Cumin

  • Paprika

  • Onion Salt

  • Garlic Powder

  • Turmeric

  • Curry Powder

  • Brown Sugar

  • Avocado

  • Coconut Oil

  • Vegetable Oil

So let's start off with the basics! This sauce is totally delicious and an amazing alternative to a traditional salsa or tomato base, it's actually with fresh raspberries. Raspberries are such a weird flavour to me because I think that if I imagine what a raspberry actually tastes like, I imagine like a raspberry fragrance or the flavouring you'd find in sweets? Often these artificial flavours are a combination of a few things, like apple is uses as a component in a lot of banana fragrance compounds for example. And I think because I'm familiar with that world I have a view point that's a bit contrived. Raspberries actually have a sharpness when they're not sweet, it's like a tangy juicy taste that's really complimentary with spices. 

So in one pan, add the large pack of raspberries, two red chillies, half a white onion, a teaspoon of coconut oil and reduce until they start to break down. I then added a bit of a splash of apple cider vinegar and some brown sugar, some garlic and made sure the texture was quite liquidy, you want to keep reducing it until it thickens without sticking. 

Then in a separate pan I added the sweet pepper, green jalapenos, red onion, the other half of the white onion and some vegetable oil to cook through. This took about ten minutes to soften before I then added some vegan meat replacement which is a 'steak' style to cook out.

I added some more liquid to the sauce and began to further reduce it, tasting it as I went and I added some salt. I then added some garlic again which I felt it needed so in total I threw in like 4 cloves finally diced? I then added chipotle paste. Then watched it until it was forming a stickier base. Then I used a hand blender to reduce it into a smoother paste and set aside to sieve.

In a bowl, I mixed turmeric, brown sugar, cumin, paprika onion salt, garlic powder and some mild curry powder. I then coated the meat part and cooked it out until everything was evenly coated. I then mixed some vegetable stock and set aside, and added it slowly to the mixture to form a slight gravy and cooked it down until it was pretty reduced. 

On one side, I popped in some rice and had that prepped to go, but this is an additional extra to fill out the enchiladas. You can skip this part but it just adds some more to the final dish. I then added some olive oil to the base of a large dish, wrapped them up into parcels and prepped the oven for 240. I don't know exactly what each ovens temperatures result with because I've had so many across my homes here that I'm always getting totally different out comes. But 240 in this particular oven is pretty much an intense continual heat. I can go up to 280 with this one but I would say that this is a 'high' temperature, to correlate with your own!

Next I created my Kale Chips! Now these are such an amazing alternative to nachos and they look less appetising but considering they have like none of the calories and are equally as tasty, I think they're a winner winner, vegan chicken dinner. So I put some fresh washed kale with all the stalks removed into a smaller dish, covered this with just some hot paprika and salt and cooked in the oven until the entire thing is blackened. This is the part that gives it it's crisp texture so if you don't cook it long enough it simply wont' taste at all like what it should, it will be more like you expect, weird wet leaves. So blacken them to start with for about 10 minutes.

I then prepped some tomatoes, white onions, red chillis, green jalapenos, some salsa based tomato sauce I'd made yesterday, combined them and popped them back in for another 10 minutes. With the enchiladas, I created a small sandwich bag with a tiny hole in the corner and this allowed me to drizzle the sauce across everything as shown.

I put both of these in the oven together so they took about ten minutes, before I took the kale out and popped vegan green style cheese onto the top of it. I also then added some cheddar cheese to the enchiladas and went back in for a final ten minutes. If you want the enchiladas to be more toasted and crispy, you can cook them for a total of 40 minutes, it just depends on your preference.

I also prepped some corn which I first cut i half, boiled and threw into the oven with some olive based butter which was a nice side I thought worked well. I popped some prepped peanuts onto the kale chips which give some more bite and a nutty flavour, I also had an avocado which I threw onto the enchiladas with some salad onions and here is the final meal. 

I hope you guys love it, it's super tasty and I think finished this series of with a nice twist on a classic. Let me know if you are taking inspiration and trying some new ideas up because I adore seeing your photos! I got my first recreation this weekend which made me totally smile so thank you again for the lovely feedback!

See you next week for some Indian inspired dishes! 

Here's a brand new version with guacamole which will be coming soon!

Joseph Harwood