Making Wishes
Hey guys!
I wanted to do a blog about positivity, I always find this a topic that I want to cover here because when you see something, you can be something. I always go back to this analogy that makes sense in my demented mind, but there’s a mutant called Night Crawler in the X-Men who teleports, however he cannot teleport if he cannot see where he is going. So you think like, wow you can go anywhere in the world you wish for but if you can’t actually see yourself in that location then you’re stuck. Well, that’s really what life has become for people, they have forgotten that actually you can teleport anywhere and shit can get out the way when you arrive.
I’ve always been aware of this and I repeat that I create things I cannot find myself because then other people can see themselves do it too. So during lockdown where we’re all in a situation where we are stuck and unable to see where we are going, it’s the optimum time to actually reassess, recalibrate and work on that visual because we create everything we want to be. I was told repeatedly not to do this website and it took me years to get into the right energy to put it out, I paid thousands previously to get a website made and it was just a failure so I wanted to be the first example of someone like me, doing something that you cannot see. And it’s interesting because the effects of that are happening already.
The world is really going through a spiritual renovation and it’s a funny way of looking at things, but check out the trees, the water, the bushes around you. Things are literally popping up everywhere. Animals are taking to the streets, rare insects are flying around unabashedly, water is become clear or in other cases, a source of life for microorganisms that thrive on algae. It’s an amazing time, the negatives are actually overshadowed if you stop to look around. So make a wish, keep yourself connected to what’s happening around you and you might see for the first time a destination that you never knew you could reach.