Dates in Wahaca Brighton


Hey everyone!

So me and the Baron were having some fun in Brighton and I wanted to share a little bit about where we went. I’m always getting him to come to new restaurants and the one that we chose today was Wahaca in Brighton. Wahaca is a funny place because it’s kind of a mix between street food of a variety of Southern American cuisines, with new trendy plant based dishes. It’s pretty affordable, tasty and colourful and I wanted to test out some of their stuff.

I got the nachos, the salad with loads of avocados and nuts, and also the delicious tender stem broccoli and cabbage. It was really pleasant, I really loved the atmosphere and I was actually carrying a gift I had painted for Mark so we were literally running around with this big parcel, so it was a nice spot for some pause and chill time. I particularly loved the salad with the avocado because I always test out whether the restaurant cares for the quality of the dishes by the avocado. If the avocado is shit then I will be put off everything from that point onwards haha. Don’t ask me why, it’s one of my weird hang ups. I just think if you present someone with a dodgy avocado you have either some serious issues going on or you disregard any type of care for good food.

So we meandered off to the peer and the weather started to get a bit crazy, so we took some photos of the rides there and found a creperie to test out.

So my goal for Agitprop was to bring sustainble, cruelty-free and health focused dishes to people who had never been able to make nice tasting vegan food before, how I cook in my home life is totally different from the majority of vegans because I was firstly a vegan as a kid. I wrote a whole blog about it here.

To put things simply, I didn’t get much choice in the matter, dairy and meat made me poorly. I have no issues with the ethical side of things becuase I was a child, I didn’t even know what a burger was and how it was killed. But now I’m an adult I’m fully aware and I want to remove that from our diet as a whole. It’s not great for all of us, it’s not healthy and it’s manufacturered in a way I don’t think is ethical. The Baron, for example, doesn’t eat anything that even resembles meat. So I’m always trying to work towards being balanced on here. I don’t want this to be anything more than my journal, and eggs for me are the middle grown that I will allow myself to have on occasion. I don’t know what you guys think of that but for me, I’d love to have my own chickens and I’d be happy eating their eggs. The house in France has several facilities for chickens as there was a farm base there, but from what I gather they’re full of asbestos so we shall avoid poisoning the poor birds until later on. But we went to a cute little creperie that I found in the middle of the lanes here, and had a dairy-free apple pie inspired mix.

So that’s my balance. It was really yummy and I think that more effort is gonna have to be taken to make all food places aware of the health and cruelty side of things, that’s how I want people to lead going forward. Anyway it was a lovely day and I wanted to share.

Let me know your thoughts about eggs below.

It was super cute and I will be showing how to make a completely egg-free crepe for everyone out there moving away from this type of food. I’m for one making as many moves to get out of the reliance on any type of animals for my sustenance so I hope we can all learn together.

Brighton is a funny place to hang out at because you always find something new, we were talking about the building going on at the Soho House along the seafront and also the chain link peir. Brighthelmstone is the original name for Brighton and below the shops and the facilities throughout the town is a layer of underground tunnels. I’d absolutely love to connect with a proper tour guide and give an Agitprop video where we can explore what’s going on. The Palace Pier is a funny place because the main bulk of the rides are more scary because of their age than any type of thrill seekability, but it’s a fab place all the same.

Let me know where you like to go for dates with your loved ones below.

Joseph HarwoodRestaurant