Skinny Bomb and Lemon Bottle with Brighton Enhanced Aesthetics


Hey guys!

I wanted to do another surgery series promotion and talk through some of my recent work with the wonderful clinic Bombshell Beauty Aesthetics who have created Skinny Bomb Semaglutide Products.

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- Tell me about your brand name?

•I’m about to launch my new name which is Brighton Advanced Aesthetics, which I feel is a little more me now. You can still find me as Bombshell Beauty & Aesthetics, which is how you found me.

- Tell me a little bit about how you got started in aesthetics and weight loss?

•I started off doing nails and eyelashes about 15 years ago. I got inspired by people having aesthetic work done and what can be achieved and I was getting asked more and more by my then current clients for various treatments like anti wrinkle and dermal filler, so I took the plunge about 8 years ago and did my qualifications in aesthetics.

The aesthetics industry evolves so quick and is constantly improving and growing with more and more treatments, products and techniques. Back then there wasn’t anything really for weight loss. I’ve always been active and enjoyed my fitness and going to the gym, and looking good, and we all know how hard it can be to diet and meal prep especially when you are very busy. So that’s why now it’s great that these products are available and why I’m passionate about being able to help people lose weight.

- What other procedures to you use for lowering inches?

•We have have Lemon Bottle/Lipo Lab, which is local fat dissolving. This works really well alongside SkinnyBomb.

- What was the inspiration behind Skinny Bomb?

•Me & Tommy were on holiday last year, chatting about various business ideas. As we want at least one online business. So literally after a couple of glasses of Prosecco by the pool, we had a name, basic logo and TikTok set up.

- What makes Skinny Bomb unique?

•SkinnyBomb is our creation. Although GLP-1 medications are not unique, we believe our passion, actually wanting to help people lose weight and personal service of delivering an exceptional product, makes us stand out. I am also a fully qualified GLP-1 practitioner meaning I can advise on specific medication, starting dose, dosing schedule and when to titrate up. We also have a private facebook support group which is strictly only for SkinnBomb users, and is growing community where people can feel safe and support on their weight loss journey. To get access there are a set of questions to answer, once these are answered in full, you are accepted.

We stock the 3 main GLP-1 medications, which are Semaglutide (Ozempic) Tirzepatude (Mounjaro) & Retatrutide, which as yet is awaiting a trade name before its general release.

All that we believe makes SkinnyBomb unique.

- How is it administered?

•By subcutaneous injection every 5-7 days

- What kind of results do people expect, IE. Time frames / Average Results?

•Firstly it’s important to remember that everyone responds differently to these weight loss medications. We are typically seeing results of up to 4-5stone over 4-5 months

- Are there any downsides?

•Some of the side effects can be quite harsh, such as nausea, headaches, dizziness, fatigue. These generally are most acute when you first administer it or when you increase the dose. Most the time they subside, again it’s important to bear in mind everyone is different and sometimes the sides can be too much. If that’s the case, the user can with drop down a dose or switch to another compound. There are some more severe ones to keep an eye on, and we always advise to check with your GP if you are worried in any way.

- What are the other effects of taking the product?

•The other positive effects are reduction in blood pressure, reduction in lipid levels, reduction in blood sugar levels and reversal of type 2 diabetes (this was the original use for GLP-1 medications) and lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. There are a couple of inspirational doctors in the US who are now micro dosing with there patients, so we are keeping an eye on the results they get back.

- Where can we buy Skinny Bomb?

•SkinnyBomb can be purchased from our online store

I would also like to add, under each product description are a few of our T&C’s. Please take a minute to read these before you place an order, to avoid any confusion.

- Can we book you for other treatments?

•Yes you can. My 3 most popular treatments at the moment are.

Facial sculpting with dermal fillers.

Non surgical face lift with PDO COGS and

Teeth Whitening. The teeth whitening can be booked via brighton_pearly_whites on Instagram.

The best way currently to book in for my services currently is via bombshell_beauty_aesthetics on instagram.


Lemon Bottle is a brand new drug on the market that has been imported from Korea. It is a Bromelane and Lecithin mix, and what these two ingredients are listed as are ‘vitamins’. What bromelane does, is breakdown the proteins and I take it regularly for bruising. You can take oral supplements and they help with digestion and it’s pretty useful. In this capacity, it dissolves the protein layer surrounding the fat cell, which then breaks down and is moved through your lymphatic system when you drink a large quantity of water.

There have been massive contradictory pieces on Lemon Bottle and it has been banned in certain countries after a non medically trained practitioner injected the solution into a lymph node, and not into an area of fat. I was particularly interested in this because of the potential of it being used in a medical way, and I was eager to try it out for myself.

For aesthetic reasons, I was very disappointed with a cool sculpting treatment that left me with a line in my back, and I wanted to target this. I asked BAA to help with this, as the back is essentially a safe zone for this type of treatment. We gradually over three weeks started to inject into the areas and I drank 2-3l of water everyday, no alcohol and some light movement at home. It worked phenomenally and there is very little negatives. I took milk thistle and liver support supplements in addition and I was blown away by the results.

When comparing to Aqualyx, which was a very negative experience around my jawline, this worked a lot better. With all types of injections there are risk factors, and choose your practitioner carefully. Use arnica for any bruising and ensure that your water is up. You can also use things like glucomannan to help with your digestion and fat binding, and ensure your flushing out your system through this process.

My experience was a loss of 4 inches across my back, it totally restored my self esteem and corrected what happened to me with cool sculpting, I didn’t think there was any other option to be that precise with the fat dissolving.

Full Disclaimer from Joseph Harwood:

I had the opportunity to speak to both Rainbow Labs and Dr Franks, as well as chemists that prescribe the same drug for the purpose of weight loss and blood sugar. JH is not a medical expert, doctor or health practitioner, nor gives recommendations for people to lose weight. Anyone that is suffering from eating disorders or mental health concerns please seek out some of the wonderful sources that can guide you through to recovery.

JH experiencing body dysphoria can more than relate, and this is for educational purposes as many people are accessing this medication without guidance and advice. There is more information coming from medical professionals to balance this information out.

Joseph HarwoodSurgery