Fat Freezing at the Blythe Clinic
Blythe Clinic Fat Freeze
I got the chance to try out a series of treatments at the incredible Blythe Clinic in Brighton. For insight into my measurements, I’m 6 foot 3 and I have absolutely no idea how much I weigh, I’ve always been pretty slim but due to my hormones I have experienced my bodyshape looking more feminine than I’ve wanted.
Now I’m older I’m aiming to create more of a masculine shape and I’ve been gradually working on reducing the difference between my waistline and my hips, so that the widest point is my shoulders. For me whenever I put on any weight it’s around my sides which hyper emphasise more of a feminine look, so I have been interested in getting some non invasive treatments to combat this.
I have tested out a number of fat freezing procedures over the years when it came to my jawline, and I was offered a review of coolsculpting on my back which I thought was a bit of a miss. The device definitely took out the area it was applied to, but the practise applied too small of a device head for the area and it ended up highlighting the part that I didn’t love. It took some corrective work to remove this as diet and exercise wouldn’t have resulted in an even area. But overall, I do think fat freezing procedures work.
The main thing that differs is practitioners that understand the procedure, and the correct application. There area also some horror stories where people have not used the membrane that protects the skin, and with Linda Evangelista there has been a hideous example of the fat instead of breaking down, expanding. So all of these treatments come with cautions.
For me, I think this is my most accessible way of reaching my aesthetic goal, which is to look more androgynous and less feminine in my torso shape, so I reached out to the Blythe Clinic which is a hugely reputable and super well reviewed treatment centre here, and we agreed to target the small pockets on either side of my torso that create a feminine silhouette, and the lower stomach.
The process is about 30 minutes to 45 minutes, and is entirely painless. It feels like a cold pulling sensation but not in anyway pain, because you’re numb you don’t actually feel a burn or any massive tugging, but you sit comfortably whilst the machine cools the fat cells to the degree that they freeze and are dissipated throughout your waste system by the lymph nodes.
You have to drink a massive amount of water to help the process after, around 3l a day and each procedure needs about 6-12 weeks to show the final results, but we had the most excellent collaboration and after our third treatment, one on the stomach, one on each side and a second on the stomach, I feel finally comfortable with the shape of my torso.
The machine that’s used at Blythe is one of the best outside of coolsculpting, and gives the person having the treatment a lot of options with the head sizes of the device. I’m really pleased with how everything went and I will be sharing more of the videos across my socials.