Hobo Helsinki - Fab Hotel Living in the City


Hey everyone!

During my stay in the fabulous city of Helsinki, I got the chance to stay in the heart of the town centre at Hobo Helsinki which was the official pride house during the festivities. It was a really youthful, colourful and modern living experience as opposed to a formal hotel, and it was absolutely fantastic. My room actually really inspired me, I thought it was a really intelligent use of space and when I was working on my previous renovations I found it a struggle to maximise the use of space. I’m gonna be stealing the room layout ahaa!!!

Hobo let’s you get on with things in a refreshing way, you can wait for your food order in the cafe or pay them to bring it up, as opposed to room service, you can use the space to meet your friends and there’s a communal cafeteria area for breakfast. It was just gorgeous and I couldn’t have asked for a better environment. My home in Brighton is a house of showers, so I take advantage anywhere that has a bathtub and I spent the majority of my time in the bath LOL!

I cannot recommend enough.

Joseph Harwoodweekend