Coffee with a Cause at the Beehive London


Hey everyone!

I was visiting my friend Jonathan Ward who just launched a new candle, you can find out all about it here. When I was in the area I wanted to check out some of the coffee shops and I’m focusing mostly on Brighton as a start to the Agitprop series, but I was really intrigued by the Bee Hive in Hackney, it’s attached to the Bethnal Green Mission Church.

So they offer workspaces and an ethos that you should take the time you need to get the job done, but be aware of the people around you. They also offer pods upstairs and alongside the menu was also notes about donations that the church needed. This is the type of communal collaboration that I love to see and regardless of your belief system, I thought that it was definitely worth talking about here. The prices were really cheap, I got a croissant to be a bit naughty and a black coffee for about a fiver. Everything was vegan and homemade on the counter, and it was gorgeous!

Check it out if you’re in the area, maybe make a donation!

Joseph HarwoodRestaurant